gedit2 (Re: CVS rename for nautilussvn)

Elan Ruusamäe glen at
Mon May 7 14:45:48 CEST 2012

On 07.05.2012 15:01, Caleb Maclennan wrote:
> 2012/5/6 Elan Ruusamäe<glen at>:
>> feel free to merge gedit2.spec to gedit.spec (and drop the former), just
>> remember to handle obsoletes properly
> As a latecomer to CVS (backporting my knowledge of VCS from
> subversion, git, etc) I am not sure which button to push here. Since
> these two specs aren't a branch scenario, merge doesn't seem like the
> right option to me and I wouldn't know how to do it if it was.
> Shouldn't this be 1) remove the current gedit module 2) rename gedit2
> to gedit and 3) cleanup the spec, setup obsoletes, and go through
> other specs for dependency issues?
merging history for same file is not possible in cvs (without excessive 
*,v file hacking).
so the "removing gedit module" could be replaced with "renaming gedit 
module" as otherwise you end up with same *,v file again:

1. rename gedit dir to gedit0 in cvs server side and optionally drop it 
client side
2. rename gedit2 dir to gedit in cvs server side, and adjust names in 
files on cvs client side

> If so, I can take care of #3 if somebody else does the cvs server side
> stuff in #1 and #2.
> If not, then I have no idea what I'm doing.
> Caleb


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