python3 optional deps

Jacek Konieczny jajcus at
Fri May 6 10:47:57 CEST 2016

On 2016-05-06 09:41, Elan Ruusamäe wrote:
> On 06.05.2016 10:11, Jacek Konieczny wrote:
>> I guess the python dependency generator should be fixed in our RPM, to
>> ignore the 'extras' dependencies (or to make them 'suggest', skipping
>> the ':python_version' ones.
> is there python module to parse the egg info? or just manual parsing
> each time
> btw, maybe it's better to extract the python dependency generators as
> separate package, out of rpm sourcetree?
> it would be a lot simplier to maintain, than patching patch patching the
> previous patch. our patches will likely never end up upstream.

Feel free to separate it :-)

I can try to fix it then.


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