libcap (do wojtka)

Krzysztof G. Baranowski kgb w
Pon, 21 Wrz 1998, 21:38:18 CEST


wyszlo nowe libcap. Speca chyba w ogole nie trzeba zmieniac.
Zwroc tylko uwage, czy ten nowy sucap zostanie wrzucony
do tego zrobionego przeze mnie wczesniej rpma... (zrobilym
sam, ale po ostatnim rachunku musze troche dac na wstrzymanie -
to przez polowanie na dokumentacje na www producenta ;-)).

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This is to announce that another release (0.122) of libcap is
available.  This release fixes a couple of bugs over 0.104 and
includes the 'sucap' utility written by Finn Arne Gangstad.

The purpose of the library is to provide a POSIX .1e interface to
the 'POSIX'(**) capability security model built into modern kernels.

Along with an RPM spec file donated by Emmanuel Galanos, you can find
the full sources here:

Full manual pages and four example programs are included in this
release.  Despite, the numbering of this release, it should compile
and run against any kernel after 2.1.104.

Best wishes


(**) After 10 or more years of discussion, POSIX.1e (formerly POSIX 6)
has been abandoned as a standard, however, support for the capability
system described in draft 15 of the proposed standard is alive and
well in the code-frozen 2.1 kernels.
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Krzysztof G. Baranowski - Prezes Klubu Nieszkodliwych Manjaków
"Smith & Wesson - The original point and click interface..."              <prezes w>

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