info:ash.spec -devel
Wojtek Slusarczyk
wojtek w SHADOW.EU.ORG
Wto, 29 Wrz 1998, 09:16:14 CEST
Mama goraca prosbe do wszystkich, ktorzy poprawiaja srpmy devela:
Zdaje sobie sprawe, ze w SRPMS sa jeszcze "stare" pakiet z niedociagnieciami
i naprawde milo jest jak ludzie pomagaja mi je eliminowac, ale chcialbym tez
przypomniec ze kosmetyka speca to nie wszystko, nalezy przede wszystkim
zwracac uwage na flagi kompilatora, na to czy przypadkiem stripowanie nie
odbywa sie dukrotnie, czy nie pozostaja jakies stare nalecialosci typu
konflikty z przedpotopowym softem itd... W atachu idzie spec do ash, i
prosilbym Tomka aby zmienil uprawnienia na binarkach i wrzucil go do
stable, bez podbijania nr-u rewizji.
Wojciech Slusarczyk (091)4494148
Technical University of Szczecin
PGP KeyServer
-------------- następna część ---------
Summary: Small bourne shell from Berkeley
Summary(pl): Mały shell bourne'a
Name: ash
Version: 0.2
Release: 14d
Copyright: BSD
Group: Shells
Patch: ash.patch
Prereq: fileutils grep
Buildroot: /var/tmp/ash-root
Conflicts: mkinitrd <= 1.7
Summary(de): Kleine Bourne-Shell von Berkeley
Summary(fr): Shell Bourne réduit de Berkeley
Summary(tr): Ufak bir bourne kabuđu
ash is a bourne shell clone from Berkeley. It supports all of the standard
Bourne shell commands and has the advantage of supporting them while
remaining considerably smaller than bash.
%description -l pl
Ash jest klonem shell'a bourne'a z Berkely. Obsługuje standardowe komendy
shell'a Bourne'a i jest mniejszy niż bash.
%description -l de
ash ist ein Bourne-Shell-Clone aus Berkeley, der alle Standard-Bourne-Shell-
Befehle unterstützt und dennoch erheblich weniger Platz beansprucht als bash.
%description -l fr
ash est un clone Berkeley du shell Bourne. Il gčre toutes les commandes
standard du shell Bourne et a l'avantage de les gérer tout en restant
considérablement plus petit que bash.
%description -l tr
ash, Berkeley'in bir bourne kabuđu kopyasýdýr. Standart bourne kabuđu
komutlarýnýn tümünü destekler ve bash kabuđundan daha küçük olma
avantajýna sahiptir.
%setup -n ash-linux-0.2
%patch -p0
strip sh
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
install -m 711 sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/ash
install -m 644 sh.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1/ash.1
ln -sf ash.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1/bsh.1
ln -sf ash $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/bsh
rm -f sh
make STATIC=-static
install -m 711 sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/bin/ash.static
if [ ! -f /etc/shells ]; then
echo "/bin/ash" > /etc/shells
echo "/bin/bsh" >> /etc/shells
if ! grep '^/bin/ash$' /etc/shells > /dev/null; then
echo "/bin/ash" >> /etc/shells
if ! grep '^/bin/bsh$' /etc/shells > /dev/null; then
echo "/bin/bsh" >> /etc/shells
if [ "$0" = 0 ]; then
grep -v '^/bin/ash' < /etc/shells | grep -v '^/bin/bsh' > /etc/
mv /etc/ /etc/shells
for n in ash bsh; do
echo -n "Looking for $n in /etc/shells... "
if ! grep "^/bin/${n}\$" /etc/shells > /dev/null; then
echo "missing"
echo "${n} missing from /etc/shells" >&2
echo "found"
%attr(0711,root,root) /bin/ash
%attr(0711,root,root) /bin/ash.static
%attr(0711,root,root) /bin/bsh
%attr(-,root,root) /usr/man/man1/ash.1
%attr(-,root,root) /usr/man/man1/bsh.1
* Mon Jun 29 1998 Wojtek Slusarczyk <wojtek w>
- build against glibc-2.1,
- added a ash patch,
- added pl translation,
- changed permissions of binaries to 711,
- moved %changelog at the end of spec.
* Tue May 05 1998 Prospector System <bugs w>
- translations modified for de, fr, tr
* Mon Oct 20 1997 Erik Troan <ewt w>
- made /bin/ash built shared
- added ash.static
- uses a buildroot and %attr
* Sun Aug 24 1997 Erik Troan <ewt w>
- built against glibc
- statically linked
* Wed Apr 16 1997 Erik Troan <ewt w>
- fixed preinstall script to >> /etc/shells for bsh.
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