[AnneS@elinux.com: Distro Request- IMP!]
Michał Kuratczyk
kura w cs.net.pl
Śro, 2 Sie 2000, 10:09:42 CEST
Nie wiem czy też takie dostaliście, ale podsyłam. Mój angielski jest jakby
kulawy, więc raczej się tu nie będę wykazywał, ale jakby ktoś to wypełnił
to by było fajnie.
----- Forwarded message from Anne Sharp <AnneS w elinux.com> -----
Date: Tue, 1 Aug 2000 14:26:33 -0700
From: Anne Sharp <AnneS w elinux.com>
To: "'kura w pld.org.pl'" <kura w pld.org.pl>
Subject: Distro Request- IMP!
Attn: PLD~
The eLinux.com listing of Linux distributions is almost completed! The list
now includes over 200 distros, and detailed info (below) from close to 100
of you! Please join the detailed listing by replying with the following
Name of Distribution:
Stable Version:
Developed by:
Contact email:
FTP site:
Languages: (English, etc.):
Target Users: (e.g. home, office, hackers, developers, newbies, etc.):
Desktop Environments: (e.g. Gnome, KDE, etc.):
Configuration tool: (e.g. lizard, linuxconf, yast):
Package Manager: (RPM, etc.):
Platform: (i386, etc.):
Type: (e.g. Full-sized, floppy, mini, embedded, for DOS/ Windows, "Other,"
Description (100 words or less):
Hopefully, the complete listing will be up on www.eLinux.com
<http://www.elinux.com/> by next week, so you can see your distro on
eLinux.com's new Distro page! Thanks again for your assistance building this
fantastic community resource!
Anne Sharp
Community Content Writer
<http://www.elinux.com/> http://www.eLinux.com
Toll-free Tel. (877) 39-LINUX x4023
----- End forwarded message -----
Michał Kuratczyk <kura w cs.net.pl>
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-devel-pl