[rrp@gmx.net: English PLD List]
Lukas Dobrek
dobrek w itp.uni-hannover.de
Pon, 18 Gru 2000, 15:53:45 CET
On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 12:32:00PM +0100, Michal Moskal wrote:
> So, I should write English, if I feel I can?
IMHO yes.
> I'm still not sure if it's good idea. Maybe the other list
> would be better. But if we're going to internacionalize,
> ALL ppl should write English. If all members of PLD-team
I don't know why. If somebody doesn't feel good enougth in
english he simply will write in polish. Some english
speeking people will not undestand him. But it still will
be much beter than before. I cannot belewe that polish people
which used to read this list will not be able to undestand
our english, they wouldn't be able to lern enything about Linux.
The reason why I thing we should switch into english is simply
and self explanatory. The population of english "reading" Linux
users is much much biger than the population of Polish speaking
Linux users. It is simply the matter of promotion. I will quote
a pice of an email which I reacive from a guy which begin this
> I searched some RPMs at rpmfind.net and found very
> interesting
> and up-to-date Linux software in a thing called "PLD distribution". So I
> became interested in PLD an visited pld.org.pl.
> PLD is very *active*. If there is a new relese of some Linux software
> (like kernel 2.2.18), PLD is the first to provide a RPM, and for i386,
> i486,
> i586 and i686 for every package!!
And pld-list is the best source of information for such a people.
Some of us can have some problems with writing in english so what?
If thay feel brave enought to try thay will quickly become able to
expres their mainds in english. If some are not, so what, thay will write
in polsh and the main part of developers will undestand them.
I realy cannot see any problem.
Ofcourse swithing into english will also give as a posibility of
convincing new people to become a PLD developers.
£ukasz Dobrek
Institut für Theoretische Physik
Appelstraße 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany
e-mail:dobrek w itp.uni-hannover.de
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