glibc.spec and include files
Tomasz Kłoczko
kloczek w
Sob, 6 Sty 2001, 15:29:16 CET
On Sat, 6 Jan 2001, Arkadiusz Miskiewicz wrote:
> On/Dnia Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 02:58:10PM +0100, Tomasz Kłoczko wrote/napisał(a)
> > IIRC not all subdirectories from %{_includedir} must be included in output
> > package.
> so why these files are installed by make install ??
> > Try "rpm -bi glibc.spec" and rethink this.
> I won't do it because I have to slow machine :) glibc compilation == about 3-4h
> > If all installed subdirecroties == all listed in spec you can simplify this in spec.
> but even if != ... if make install installs some files in %{_includedir} so these
> files are rather important IMO.
Probably but I'm not shure because I'm not remember any package which
fails during compile by lack some libc header files. I don't remember why
this was prepared in this form. Maybe browse cvs changes or comment can
answer faster on this kind questions. And "maybe" second time .. you have
right but without compile and without fresh look on this still stay only
question without answer.
*Ludzie nie mają problemów, tylko sobie sami je stwarzają*
Tomasz Kłoczko, sys adm|*e-mail: kloczek w*
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