[jdb252@nyu.edu: Story for Linux Journal]

Michal Moskal malekith w pld.org.pl
Pią, 16 Mar 2001, 11:33:17 CET

On Fri, Mar 16, 2001 at 10:16:12AM +0100, Michal Moskal wrote:
> Hello, all,
> I'd like to do a story on PLD for Linux Journal, the major Linux 
> magazine in the States. Can you please contact me this weekend to set 
> up a quick phone interview? Mowiem po polsku, tylko z pismem jestem 
> koszmarny. However, if you'd like to reply in Polish, feel free. 
> John Biggs

Panie i panowie, co z tym robimy, głupio stracić taką szanse
na World Domination :>

                        Michał Moskal <malekith w pld.org.pl>

> I'm an idiot..  At least this [bug] took about 5 minutes
> to find..
Surely, Linus is talking about the kind of idiocy that
others aspire to :-).
	-- Bruce Perens in response to Linus Torvalds's

Clinton spy Legion of Doom bomb domestic disruption 
Honduras South Africa kibo AK-47 terrorist Serbian 
[Hello to all my fans in domestic surveillance] Noriega 
Panama CIA spy Uzi counter-intelligence Semtex Honduras 

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