SPECS (DEVEL): XFree86.spec - Starting to separate corn from chaff

Adam Gorzkiewicz adgor w isn.pl
Czw, 4 Mar 2004, 17:56:11 CET

On Thursday 04 of March 2004 17:37, Adam Gorzkiewicz wrote:

I jeszcze taki kFiatek:

4.4.1 Purpose

This hierarchy is reserved for the X Window System, version 11 release 6, and 
related files.

To simplify matters and make XFree86 more compatible with the X Window System 
on other systems, the following symbolic links must be present if /usr/X11R6 

    /usr/bin/X11 -> /usr/X11R6/bin
    /usr/lib/X11 -> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
    /usr/include/X11 -> /usr/X11R6/include/X11

Jak to rozumieć?

Czy tak, że dla Sz. myślicieli od FHS "X Window System, version 11 release 6" 
== XFree86, czy tez tak, że takie przykazanie o linku /usr/include/X11 
-> /usr/X11R6/include/X11 obowiązuje tylko w przypadku, gdy naszym "X Window 
System, version 11 release 6" jest XFree86 ??

Adam Gorzkiewicz
begin  MyDoom.exe
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