Administrativia: Ac builders down till tomorrow (assuming nothing breaks)
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki
patrys w
Śro, 13 Lip 2005, 23:00:15 CEST
Dnia 13-07-2005, śro o godzinie 20:59 +0200, Mariusz Mazur napisał(a):
> July 13th 2005, Opole - PLD LCC [NASDAQ: PLTK], vendor of the well known PLD
> Linux Distribution (tm), today announced its move to the award winning
> II generation architecture. "The whole infrastructure of our
> PLD 2.0 Ac series of products will get moved within the next few hours. This
> should give us the competitive edge we've been looking forward to having for
> the past couple of months" said Tomasz Kloczko, CEO and founder of the
> company.
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki <patrys w>
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