new user, and some questions/comments

Micha³ Margula alchemyx at
Wed Apr 3 15:28:33 CEST 2002

On Wed, 3 Apr 2002 10:17:28 +0000
"John P. Looney" <john at> wrote:

>     The boot was quite slow. I think there must be "sleep 1" buried
>     somewhere inside all of the cute '[BUSY]' bits on startup. I was very
>     used to /etc/init.d/<scripts> as I was used to Solaris and RedHat -
>     Does the LSB specify that /etc/rc.d/init.d should be used ? The lack
>     of a "service" command is annoying - I thought that was part of the
>     LSB too. I note that PLD uses lilo - why not grub ? It's so much
>     nicer.

I've checked and we have sleep in that places:

- shutdown (between sending TERM and KILL signals and before unmounting
filesystems) so it has nothing to do with booting up
- there is one sleep 1 when it asks for a key to enter interactive mode
- sleep 5 before initialisation of usb devices
- sleep 1 in booting process of mysql

So in worst case you loose 6 seconds. Is it too much? ;-)

Michał Margula, alchemyx at, JID: alchemyx at, +), administrator polskiej sekcji Linux Counter
"W życiu piękne są tylko chwile" [Ryszard Riedel]
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