mozilla and mozilla-embedded

wrobell wrobell at
Sun Apr 21 07:31:41 CEST 2002

I have  just finished package for  mozilla-embedded 1.0.rc1.
Previous  embedded mozilla  packages had  problems with  psm
(personal security manager) and  java script console. Now it
works nicely. You need only  to install galeon, skipstone or
light (your taste may vary)  to have good browser support on
your box.

Why embedded version of mozilla? Look at the numbers :-]

  # rpm -qp --qf '%12{SIZE} %{NAME}\n' \
      mozilla-embedded-1.0.rc1-1.i686.rpm mozilla-1.0.rc1-0.2.i686.rpm \
      galeon-1.2.1-1.i686.rpm | awk '{ printf("%2dMB %s\n", $1/1024/1024, $2)}'

  17MB mozilla-embedded
  30MB mozilla
   5MB galeon

What to say more?

You can build it with:

    cd ~/rpm/SPECS
    ./builder -ba -r DEVEL mozilla-embedded.spec

Let's sleep...

  wrobell <wrobell at>
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