Steps to install a PLD core system

Dirk Ullrich dirk.ullrich at
Tue Jun 27 15:23:10 CEST 2006

2006/6/27, wrobell <wrobell at>:
> you can use bash if you want as an user. maybe bash can be used
> for system stuff... but we test only with pdksh. and having it
> on a system is not big deal as its binary takes only 200KB.
No big deal--agreed. I've merely asked for curiosity and a kind of
'package minimalism'. And I have wondered whether there are
a priori reasons I'm unaware of to use pdksh for POSIX stuff instead
of bash. Of course, being tested well or not _is_ a reason.

So I have a first little 'personal ToDo' for later:
I will create a tiny "bash-posix" (or so) RPM depending on bash and
providing "/bin/sh" via a "bash --posix" thing. In this way I could try out
to use bash for system stuff.

I hope that my remarks concerning pdksh did not sound to harsh.
I was only surprised. And since English is not my mother tongue I'm
always in danger to unintentionally insult people.


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