Radeon 9200-pomocy!
Boski Cinek
boski_cinek w o2.pl
Sob, 25 Paź 2003, 20:46:46 CEST
Mam nowa karte graficzna Radeon9200 SE (wiem, ze to gorsza wersja z
uszkodzonymi roznymi rzeczami, ale taka mam i nie mam kasy na inna) i
probowalem ja juz chyba na 100.000 roznych sposobow nstalowac i nie
moge jej odpalic z akceleracja.
Moj XFree86:
$ rpm -qa|grep XFree86-4
Moj kernel:
$ rpm -qa|grep kernel
Sterowniki na ktorych cos probowalem zdzialac:
$ rpm -qa|grep XFree86-driver
Przy ustawieniu sterownika na "radeon" dostaje komunikat:
(EE) No devices detected
Gatosy dogrywalem do katalogu modulow XFree86, bo sie instalowaly w
mam wpisane do /etc/modules moduly: agpgart i radeon
lspci oddaje:
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 82815 815 Chipset Host Bridge and
Memory Controller Hub (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82815 815 Chipset AGP Bridge (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 82801BA/CA/DB/EB PCI Bridge (rev 01)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82801BA ISA Bridge (LPC) (rev 01)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82801BA IDE U100 (rev 01)
00:1f.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM USB (Hub #1) (rev 01)
00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM SMBus (rev 01)
00:1f.4 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82801BA/BAM USB (Hub #2) (rev 01)
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc: Unknown
device 5964 (rev 01)
02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97] (rev 08)
02:0b.0 Communication controller: Conexant HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp
(w/Handset) Modem (rev 08)
02:0c.0 Ethernet controller: 3Com Corporation 3c905B 100BaseTX
[Cyclone] (rev 30)
Jezeli bedzie potrzebny to podesle takze "lspci -v"
Probowalem sterownikow z ATI. Musialem je instalowac z "--force" bo
sie klocily z XFree86-OpenGL (potem tez w celach testow je
odinstalowalem i probowalem bez nich). W wyniku procesu instalacji
* Trying to install a precompiled kernel module.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
*** Found kernel module build environment, generating kernel module now.
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at
/lib/modules/2.4.18/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do
not fit this driver.
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
*** WARNING ***
Tailored kernel module for fglrx not present in your system.
You must go to /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod subdir
and execute './make.sh' to build a fully customed kernel module.
Afterwards go to /lib/modules/fglrx and run './make_install.sh'
in order to install the module into your kernel's module repository.
(see readme.txt for more details.)
As of now you can still run your XServer in 2D, but hardware acclerated
OpenGL will not work and 2D graphics will lack performance.
*** Warning ***
The QT based control panel application did not load in any version.
ATI display drivers successfully installed
please run 'fglrxconfig' now
Kiedy odpalam /lib/modules/fglrx/make.sh dostaje:
ATI module generator V 2.0
XFree86 drm includes at
/lib/modules/2.4.18/build/include/../drivers/char/drm do not fit this
This driver is designed to only work with X4.1.0 or higher.
You can match this by getting Linux kernel 2.4.8 or higher.
Co z tym zrobic? Bardzo mi zalezy na tej akceleracji. Moze ktos juz
przez to przechodzil i moze mi pomoc
|3 0 $ |< ! < i N e |<
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Douglas Coupland "Pokolenie X"
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