Problem z drukowaniem
likon_pc w
Sob, 10 Lip 2004, 12:47:31 CEST
Mam maly problem z drukowaniem. Mam drukarke Hp720c i zawsze mi
chodzila, instalnolem AC i mam dziwny problem.
Gdy daje aby cos wydrukowac w logach mam takie cos:
renderer PID kid4=3058
renderer command: gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dPARANOIDSAFER -dBATCH -r600
-sDEVICE=ppmraw -sOutputFile=- - | pnm2ppa -v 720 -B 2 -t 10
foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dNOPAUSE' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dBATCH' '-r600'
'-sDEVICE=ppmraw' '-sOutputFile=| cat >&3' '/dev/fd/0' 3 ESP Ghostscript
7.07 (2003-07-12)
Copyright 2003 artofcode LLC and Easy Software Products, all rights
This software comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file PUBLIC for details.
Loading NimbusSanL-Bold font from
/usr/share/fonts/Type1/n019004l.pfb... 2105660 697401 1722904 414430 0 done.
Loading NimbusSanL-Regu font from
/usr/share/fonts/Type1/n019003l.pfb... 2165948 746111 1722904 416230 0 done.
Loading NimbusRomNo9L-Regu font from
/usr/share/fonts/Type1/n021003l.pfb... 2226236 804166 1722904 418040 0 done.
Closing renderer
Loading NimbusSanL-BoldItal font from
/usr/share/fonts/Type1/n019024l.pfb... 2266428 857945 1743000 432441 0 done.
cat: write error: Broken pipe
timeout: 11 seconds to process active jobs
Error: /ioerror in --.outputpage--
Operand stack:
404.903 327.46 297.48 795.26 297.48 58.475 49.58 1 true
Execution stack:
%interp_exit .runexec2 --nostringval-- --nostringval--
--nostringval-- 2 %stopped_push --nostringval-- --nostri
Dictionary stack:
--dict:1052/1417(ro)(G)-- --dict:0/20(G)-- --dict:94/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: 32
ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Memory fault
renderer return value: 139
renderer received signal: 139
Process dying with "The renderer may have dumped core.", exit stat: 3
The renderer may have dumped core.
tail process done writing data to STDOUT
KID4 finished
KID3 exited with status 3
Renderer exit stat: 3
Renderer process finished
Killing process 3057 (KID3)
Process dying with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 3
Error closing renderer
5 stopped with status 3!
I nie wiem czym jest ten ESP Ghostscript 7.07.1: Unrecoverable error,
exit code 1 spowodowany. Oczywiscie drukarka mi nie drukuje. Mam
najnowszego cupsa i wsystkie buckendy i inne pierdoly po instalowane,
ghostscripty tez, filtery foomatiki, pnm2ppa i pliki ppd. Wszystko mam.
Wczesniej mi chodzilo bez zadnego problemu a teraz ciagle takie cos
dostaje. Probowalem przebudowac cupa, czy ghostscripta ale i tak nic to
nie dalo.
Moze ktos mial taki problem i to jakos rozwiazal?
Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-users-pl