[Th] pld-source.conf

cserf w o2.pl cserf w o2.pl
Wto, 16 Sty 2007, 09:31:56 CET

cat /etc/poldek/pld-source.conf
_pld_arch   = i686
_pld_prefix = ftp://ftp.th.pld-linux.org/dists/th/
_th_idxtype = pndir
type   = %{_th_idxtype}
name   = th
path   = %{_pld_prefix}PLD/%{_pld_arch}/PLD/RPMS/
type   = %{_th_idxtype}
name   = th-updates-security
path   = %{_pld_prefix}updates/security/%{_pld_arch}/

#poldek --upa
Retrieving th::packages.ndir.md...
error: vfff: /dists/th/PLD/i686/PLD/RPMS/packages.ndir.md: no such file
(serv said: Failed to open file.)

Retrieving th-ready::packages.ndir.md...
error: vfff: /dists/th/ready/i686/packages.ndir.md: no such file (serv
said: Failed to open file.)

coś skopałem?
na ftp2 działa

Rafał Błażejowski

Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej pld-users-pl