problem z prawami do plikow/katalogow

seoeo seoeo w
Śro, 31 Sty 2007, 14:56:57 CET

Enleth napisał(a):
> Dnia środa 31 stycznia 2007 14:06, seoeo napisał:
>> seoeo napisał(a):
>> Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The
>> script whose uid is 883 is not allowed to access
>> ../upload/1170165114-1349075405.jpg owned by uid 1032 in
>> /home/strona/html/img.php on line 23
>> Warning: fopen(./upload/1170165114-1349075405.jpg) [function.fopen]:
>> failed to open stream: Sukces in /home/strona/html/img.php on line 23
> "When safe_mode is on, PHP checks to see if the owner of the current script 
> matches the owner of the file to be operated on by a file function or its 
> directory."
> Albo wyłącz safe mode, albo zmień usera plików na wspólnego, albo ustaw 
> safe_mode_gid i zmień grupy plików na takie same, wedle uznania. 
solved :)

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