ANN: Closing AC

Cz at rny dhubleizh at
Tue Dec 13 21:10:33 CET 2005

Dnia Tue, 13 Dec 2005 17:05:06 +0100, Tomasz Pala <gotar at>  

> I had already written that it can be nice feature on desktops. But when
> your system becomes operational? Means working services - that's what
> customers may be interested with.

Are You sure You've read previous posts? You could as well say, that  
current initscripts are bad and won't work on comercial system, because  
(for example only) there is no init script for apache!? Give me a break  
dude - It works, it'll work better and faster, it is more configurable, we  
just need to work on it and switch old init scripts to new ones - is that  
what You're reffering to?

You won't be moving to th after dec.20, when AC will be frozen - that's  
obvoius, so I don't understand, what are You complaining bout? It's pretty  
much obvious, that th will be unstable and not all functionality will be  
done just after freezing AC, but that isn't the point here - or is it? The  
point is to use the oportunity of new line to implement some new, better  
functionality. It's obvious, that beta things aren't in productional  
phase, but they will be and nobody makes You use beta software!

> Hiehheiehe, I knew it;)
Knew what? Knew that it doesn't work out of the box? Well should it? Is it  
officialy a part of PLD? Is it used by default? So what are You  
complaining bout? That beta software doesn't work 100% correct? There are  
even no nativ initng scripts in PLD yet and You jump to conclusion, that  
they are bad. Have You even bothered to look up what initng is, or to read  
throughly theese posts?

Cz at rny
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to The Dark Side" -  

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