
Michal Moskal malekith at
Wed Oct 3 12:21:50 CEST 2001

On Wed, Oct 03, 2001 at 10:39:21AM +0000, Linus Swälas wrote:
> I've got a quite simple question that I'd like to have answerd, I'm out of
> diskspace so I can't check this myself. (And someone ought to know).
> When booted, the latest iso prints a warning saying that the installer isn't
> made for multios boot and that it will destoy all data on the disk. I don't want
> to multiboot so that's fine but I do have a home partition (/dev/hda7) which I
> _DON'T_ want formatted.
> So my simple question is: Will the setup/installer destroy the partition
> table/format all partitions even if I choose "Use existing" from within the
> setup program? And do I have to specify the partitions I already have on the
> disk to the setup program? (/dev/hda1,swap hda2,/ hda3,/var hda5,/tmp hda6,/usr
> and hda7,/home). It seems to me that it won't destroy data in this case but
> since I cannot backup this data I want to KNOW. (I really don't want to loose my
> /home, it's quite old. =))

If you choose use_existing, it won't create new partitions. If you
choose destX_format_parition=no, it won't even format it. You should
set it to `no' for /home and I guess to `yes' for others.

Howver, use at your own risk and so on :)

Best ragards
: Michal ``,/\/\,       '' Moskal    | |            : GCS {C,UL}++++$
:          |    |alekith      @    |)|(| . org . pl : {E--, W, w-,M}-
:    Linux: We are dot in .ORG.    |                : {b,e>+}++ !tv h
: CurProj: : PLD Team member

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