What kind of MD5 is this and why doesn't perl know it?

Christopher Curtis ccurtis at aet-usa.com
Fri Sep 28 20:15:28 CEST 2001

Hellos again,

I'd like to thank everyone for their help in the past - the daemon is
running great (actually, I have it running from inetd, but whatever) with
my virtual hosts an DpUID settings.

However, I'm trying to integrate Open WebMail into the virtual domains,
and having difficulty.  I basically need to rewrite the authentication
since solid-pop3d contains all the user passwords for my hosts.  However,
perl (Open WebMail is written in perl) doesn't generate anything that
looks like the solid-pop3d MD5 hashes.  I've read the source and found
that the format is "$1$ <salt> $ <md5hash>" and I can parse this into a
salt of 8 charaacters and a hash of 22 characters, which leads me to
believe that the hash is a base64 encoding.  However, Digest::MD5 has no
way to specify a salt (that I can see) so my hash always differs.

I could really use some pointers at this point since I am stuck hard.


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