February 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Feb 1 16:45:35 CEST 2005
Ending: Mon Feb 28 23:59:35 CEST 2005
Messages: 246
- SPECS: imap.spec - updated to 2004c1 - bconded /var/lib/imap
dir, ...
Marcin Król
- pine license for PLD
Marcin Król
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Jakub Piotr Cłapa
- python
Jakub Piotr Cłapa
- SPECS: imap.spec - updated to 2004c1 - bconded /var/lib/imap
dir, ...
Marcin Król
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Marcin Król
- pine license for PLD
Marcin Król
- pine license for PLD
Marcin Król
- apache-mod_mono.spec - missing patches
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- apache-mod_mono.spec - missing patches
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- SPECS: gtk-sharp2.spec (NEW) - added - NFY: builds with
symlinks t...
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- J2ME WTK 2.2 a PLD
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- J2ME WTK 2.2 a PLD
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- gg2 broken
Marcin Krzyżanowski
- SOURCES: psybnc-sslkey.patch - store ssl certs in /etc
Paweł Gołaszewski
- SPECS: gplflash.spec (NEW) - initial pld release
Paweł Gołaszewski
- mysql 4.1 and postgresql 8.0.1 in AC - opinions request
Paweł Gołaszewski
- AC-release-plans...
Paweł Gołaszewski
- AC-release-plans...
Paweł Gołaszewski
- AC-release-plans...
Paweł Gołaszewski
- AC-release-plans...
Paweł Gołaszewski
- SPECS: java-sun.spec - oops - wrong JAVA_HOME
Paweł Gołaszewski
- SPECS: java-sun.spec - oops - wrong JAVA_HOME
Paweł Gołaszewski
- Separate libgnat
Paweł Gołaszewski
- ls colours
Paweł Gołaszewski
- /var/log/httpd group
Paweł Gołaszewski
- /var/log/httpd group
Paweł Gołaszewski
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Elan Ruusamäe
- dialog
Elan Ruusamäe
- dialog
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: template.spec - _sysconfdir/* needs also _sysconfdir
Elan Ruusamäe
- kernel macros
Elan Ruusamäe
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Elan Ruusamäe
- python
Elan Ruusamäe
- php version independance
Elan Ruusamäe
- /usr/bin/php
Elan Ruusamäe
- SOURCES: rpm.platform,
rpm.macros - added %%py_postclean (idea and...
Elan Ruusamäe
- ls colours
Elan Ruusamäe
- Fwd: RHN Errata Alert: Low: vim security update
Elan Ruusamäe
- /var/log/httpd group
Elan Ruusamäe
- grep
Elan Ruusamäe
- rpm macro functions
Elan Ruusamäe
- %useradd/%groupadd macros
Elan Ruusamäe
- splitting apache1 modules
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: vim.spec - add zenburn color scheme
Adam Gołębiowski
- New task #5612 in glibc-misc: /usr/share/locale/C not owned
Adam Gołębiowski
- SPECS: bnc.spec - added bnc service
Adam Gołębiowski
- AC-release-plans...
Adam Gołębiowski
Adam Gołębiowski
- SPECS: adapter.spec (NEW) - test .spec for adapter.awk
Adam Gołębiowski
- WindowMaker: R: cpp
Adam Gołębiowski
- php version independance
Adam Gołębiowski
- SPECS: php-pear.spec - added %%{php_pear_dir}/PEAR - simplified
Adam Gołębiowski
- SPECS: pldconf.spec - simplified %%setup - added Requires: vim -
Adam Gołębiowski
- grep
Łukasz Jernaś
- mozilla-firefox without Xvfb
Jarosław Kamper
- Separate libgnat
Paweł Sikora
- Mysql broken
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: bnc.spec - added bnc service
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: upclient.spec (NEW) - initital pld version,
partialy based ...
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: p3scan.spec (NEW) - spec based on pop3vscan.spec - rel.
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: python-jwzthreading.spec - separate desc.'s periods from
Elan Ruusamäe
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Elan Ruusamäe
- WindowMaker: R: cpp
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: smb4k.spec - works
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: builder - real -U fix
Elan Ruusamäe
- SOURCES: rpm.platform,
rpm.macros - added %%py_postclean (idea and...
Elan Ruusamäe
- SOURCES: rpm.platform,
rpm.macros - added %%py_postclean (idea and...
Elan Ruusamäe
- ls colours
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: php-pear.spec - added %%{php_pear_dir}/PEAR - simplified
Elan Ruusamäe
- Fwd: SPECS: goddamnit.spec - e
Elan Ruusamäe
- grep
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: eventum.spec - shellglob syntax fix
Elan Ruusamäe
- autofs.init
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: cvs.spec - disable pointless root commit blockade
Elan Ruusamäe
- mozilla-firefox without Xvfb
Jarosław Kamper
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
Michał Łukaszek
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
Michał Łukaszek
- SOURCES: psybnc-sslkey.patch - store ssl certs in /etc
Elan Ruusamäe
- SPECS: gtk-sharp2.spec (NEW) - added - NFY: builds with
symlinks t...
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
- SPECS: p3scan.spec (NEW) - spec based on pop3vscan.spec - rel.
Andrzej Augustynowicz
- dialog
Jakub Bogusz
- New task #5612 in glibc-misc: /usr/share/locale/C not owned
Jakub Bogusz
- SOURCES: exim.aliases - added abuse
Jakub Bogusz
- SOURCES: exim.aliases - added abuse
Jakub Bogusz
- mysql 4.1 and postgresql 8.0.1 in AC - opinions request
Jakub Bogusz
- AC-release-plans...
Jakub Bogusz
- AC-release-plans...
Jakub Bogusz
- apache still broken in Ac
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS (PG_7): postgresql.spec - added -gram.patch (prevent 4
more ...
Jakub Bogusz
- SOURCES: postgresql-gram.y.patch (NEW) - patch to address
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: java-sun.spec - oops - wrong JAVA_HOME
Jakub Bogusz
- SOURCES: ext2resize-BLKGETSIZE64.patch (NEW) - fixed a bug in
the ...
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Jakub Bogusz
- httpd.worker broken in apache 2.0.53
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Jakub Bogusz
- Separate libgnat
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: linux-libc-headers.spec - biarch on amd64, ppc64,
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: apache.spec - works fine, rel.1, STBR
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: xmlrpc-epi-php4.spec (NEW) - worse than raw
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: bmp-extra-plugins.spec - hardcoded path to libXv,
but works...
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: apache.spec - works fine, rel.1, STBR
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: pure-ftpd.spec - rel5; show symlinks as real files/dirs;
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: ftgl.spec - small fixes
Jakub Bogusz
- logrotate in p0f
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Jakub Bogusz
- Fwd: SPECS: goddamnit.spec - e
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: rc-shaper.spec - ExclusiveArch: %{ix86}
Jakub Bogusz
- capi4k-utils.spec vs isdn4k-utils.spec
Jakub Bogusz
- SPECS: eventum.spec - shellglob syntax fix
Jakub Bogusz
- python
Michal Chruszcz
- python
Michal Chruszcz
- Color themes (was: ls colours)
Michal Chruszcz
- mozilla-firefox without Xvfb
Artur Flinta
- [do-not-reply@ecoscentric.com: Update: Outage of gcc.gnu.org /
sourceware.org / sources.redhat.com]
Artur Frysiak
- SOURCES: rpm.platform,
rpm.macros - added %%py_postclean (idea and...
Artur Frysiak
- SPECS: mldonkey.spec - updated to 2.5.29 - without BitTorrent
by d...
Artur Frysiak
- AC-release-plans...
Grzegorz Grasza
- updates and fixes: wired...
Grzegorz Grasza
- SPECS: bmp-extra-plugins.spec - hardcoded path to libXv,
but works...
Przemek Iskra
- ls colours
Michal Kochanowicz
- Color themes (was: ls colours)
Michal Kochanowicz
- SOURCES: exim.aliases - added abuse
Jacek Konieczny
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
Jacek Konieczny
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
Jacek Konieczny
- mv python-SimpleTAL.spec python-simpletal.spec
Jacek Konieczny
- J2ME WTK 2.2 a PLD
Jacek Konieczny
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Kacper Kornet
- mozilla-firefox without Xvfb
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and enabled extensions
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and enabled extensions
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and enabled extensions
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and enabled extensions
Kacper Kornet
- firefox and enabled extensions
Kacper Kornet
- autofs.init
Kacper Kornet
- grep
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
- SPECS: template.spec - _sysconfdir/* needs also _sysconfdir
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: totd.spec - added - nfy (needs init script)
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: adapter.spec (NEW) - test .spec for adapter.awk
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- /var/log/httpd group
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: galib.spec - now build cleanly out-of-the-box on linux
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: rc-shaper.spec - ExclusiveArch: %{ix86}
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SOURCES: dansguardian.init (NEW) - new
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SOURCES: dansguardian.init (NEW) - new
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- include conflict
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- %useradd/%groupadd macros
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- SPECS: pldconf.spec - simplified %%setup - added Requires: vim -
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- raac-converter: ra2ac - added Select mirror
Andrzej Krzysztofowicz
- Mysql broken
Marcin Krzyzanowski
- gtk-sharp2.spec ?
Marcin Krzyzanowski
- mozilla-firefox without Xvfb
Robert Kurowski
- mysql 4.1 and postgresql 8.0.1 in AC - opinions request
Marcin Kurzyna
- Mysql broken
Mariusz Mazur
- Mysql broken
Mariusz Mazur
- Separate libgnat
Mariusz Mazur
- SPECS: linux-libc-headers.spec - biarch on amd64, ppc64,
Mariusz Mazur
- mysql 4.1 and postgresql 8.0.1 in AC - opinions request
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- mysql 4.1 and postgresql 8.0.1 in AC - opinions request
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- AC-release-plans...
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- AC-release-plans...
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- SPECS: xmlrpc-epi-php4.spec (NEW) - worse than raw
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- firefox and enabled extensions
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- firefox and enabled extensions
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- firefox and enabled extensions
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- firefox and enabled extensions
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- firefox and enabled extensions
Arkadiusz Miskiewicz
- SPECS: gtk-sharp2.spec (NEW) - added - NFY: builds with
symlinks t...
Michal Moskal
- SPECS: gtk-sharp2.spec (NEW) - added - NFY: builds with
symlinks t...
Michal Moskal
- SPECS: gtk-sharp2.spec (NEW) - added - NFY: builds with
symlinks t...
Michal Moskal
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Michal Moskal
- lib/lib64 and mono
Michal Moskal
- lib/lib64 and mono
Michal Moskal
- SOURCES: exim.aliases - added abuse
Adam Nowotny
- apache-mod_mono.spec - missing patches
Tomek Orzechowski
- apache-mod_mono.spec - missing patches
Tomek Orzechowski
- SPECS: apache.spec - works fine, rel.1, STBR
Tomek Orzechowski
- iptables from HEAD unable to delete rules
Tomek Orzechowski
- dialog
Tomasz Pala
- AC-release-plans...
Tomasz Pala
- logrotate in p0f
Tomasz Pala
- ls colours
Tomasz Pala
- /var/log/httpd group
Tomasz Pala
- /var/log/httpd group
Tomasz Pala
- /var/log/httpd group
Tomasz Pala
- /var/log/httpd group
Tomasz Pala
- grep
Tomasz Pala
- gg2 broken
Tomasz Pala
- gg2 broken
Tomasz Pala
- autofs.init
Tomasz Pala
- PLD-doc: BuildRequires.txt - new python macros - vimfiles dir
Paweł Sakowski
- ERRORS: gammu.spec
Paweł Sakowski
- SPECS: util-linux.spec fix race cond in fdisk-sunlabel,
causing in...
Paweł Sakowski
- SPECS: xclip.spec (NEW) - new
Paweł Sakowski
- grep
Paweł Sakowski
- AC-release-plans...
Bobby Spark
- SPECS: upclient.spec (NEW) - initital pld version,
partialy based ...
The Undefined
- pine license for PLD
The Undefined
- SPECS (RA-branch): clamav.spec - oops, rel 2, 1 is RA
Andrzej Zawadzki
- SPECS: pop3vscan.spec - fix perm to /var/spool/pop3vscan
Andrzej Zawadzki
- wxWidgets.spec and AC
Andrzej Zawadzki
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki
- firefox and "Find As You Type"
Patrys :: Patryk Zawadzki
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Radoslaw Zielinski
- SOURCES: exim.aliases - added abuse
Radoslaw Zielinski
- WindowMaker: R: cpp
Radoslaw Zielinski
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Radoslaw Zielinski
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Radoslaw Zielinski
- SPECS: apache1.spec - Provide apache-modname for each module
- swa...
Radoslaw Zielinski
- AC-release-plans...
- AC-release-plans...
- AC-release-plans...
- ls colours
- lib/lib64 and mono
- builder and iptables - strange
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
michal salaban
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
michal salaban
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
- SPECS: python.spec - non-python *.py in /usr/bin were crashing
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- what do I need to build wxWidgets?
- grep
- grep
- grep
Last message date:
Mon Feb 28 23:59:35 CEST 2005
Archived on: Tue Dec 20 10:50:56 CEST 2005
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).